Navigating the Portal

Navigating the Wirecrane Studio Portal

From our portal you can submit tickets, access past invoices, pay new ones, and interact with long term projects you are creating with us.

Breaking down the different areas via the navigation, left to right:

Knowledge Base

The helpful tip and support library you're reading right now.


Projects are Tasks organized by subject. We take tickets you submit that are requests for add-ons, upgrades and more and convert them to tasks so they can be tracked and invoiced. Discussions and comments are permitted here so that requested work is done in the format you desire. Every time you make a comment, we receive an email, and every time we answer your comment or update a task, you will receive an email.


This is the list of open and closed invoices with Wirecrane Studio and your company/self. Our invoices go back to January 1, 2024. If you need a copy of an invoice that is older than this date, please submit a ticket and we can re-issue it to you.

From here you can pay your invoices or directly via email when they first arrive.


Contracts are agreements you made after you have discussed your design project through our estimate section. These documents are available for download throughout your relationship with us.


Before you sign a contract, and you will submit a request for an estimate via our website. Your estimate requests will appear here. They will be moved and/or duplicated to our Projects section when work begins.


After you submit a request for an estimate, and you want to go further, we will submit a proposal to you to agree upon. Once in agreement, your proposal will be converted to a contract we will both sign. This area is a record of all of your proposals.


The support section is your go to area for communicating with us.

If you have an issue with a project in play, you can submit at ticket within the project area itself, but if you forget, we can always move regular tickets under your project for you.

The support area can be reached via your dashboard or by submitting your ticket to and responding to your ticket via email or dashboard.

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