Accessing cPanel

How to access cPanel aka Your Web Hosting Dashboard

1. If your website is hosted with Wirecrane Studio, you can access your control panel dashboard, AKA cPanel by visiting your website and typing in the following after your URL



If your site has an SSL certificate, use the following format:

2. Enter your username and password which were provided to you upon account set up.

We do not keep your passwords on file unless you are fully managed by Wirecrane Studio.

You can reset your password by choosing "Reset Password" at the login screen for cPanel, or ask us to reset it for you.

NOTE: If your website is fully managed by Wirecrane Studio, you may not have been sent these credentials. If you wish to take over, email us at or open a ticket via your billing account dashboard ( and we'd be happy to send you your information.


Accessing cPanel gives you (or someone who has your security credentials) access to every part of your website. That includes email, databases, website files and more.

If you are hiring a designer (that is not through Wirecrane Studio), and they only need FTP access, you can create an FTP account just for them. It disallows access to anything but web files via FTP. However, if your website contains a database (e.g. Wordpress), you may need to give them complete access.

Make sure you are placing your credentials into secure hands.

To learn more about cPanel, please visit their website documentation.

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